Chapter 5.5 : Internal User Test

An Internal User Test was conducted in class for us to showcase among our classmates. I claimed it as an Alpha Test and  took this opportunity to check on certain things to see if those have been clarified or not.

The things that are needed to be checked are:
1) Level Design
2) Controller Mapping
3) Key Visual (Too much Animation..?)
4) Difficulty

3 people came to my place and tested my game. I split them into two categories, Gamer and Non-gamer.

User #1 (Student, Gamer)
      - Add Analog control feature for movements
·         - Enemy too fast
·         - All the props are seen to be interactable
·         - Consistency in artstyle
·         - Feedback – when punching add sound effect or show effect *blood
·         - Music can still be change
·         - Adjust the position of the props and its collision properly
·         - Perspective – the fence

User #2 (Student, Gamer)
·         - Need UI – HP Bar
·         - Add Analog control feature for movements
·         - Add more props for variety ( more houses, bushes maybe?)
·         - Perspective – the fence
·         - Props can be scattered around, make the environment looks natural
·         - Add shadows on certain props ( Bridge)
·         - Make more enemies
·         - Add basic animation of fishes swimming

User #3 (Lecturer, Non-gamer)

·         - HP Bar- suggested
·         - Controller –  player looks stiff when using the DPad, needs to include analog
·         - Script problem (will explain later)
·         - Difficulty – may be too easy for both gamers and non-gamers. ADD MORE ENEMIES
·         - Level design – already good, add in a waterfall feature at the last level will be nice.

The reason why I separated them into these groups is because I want to see on their different point of views to work on the level design. Based on the test and the feedback, I can say that the level design is already good, only there’s a few adjustments that I need to do such as the collision of objects as well as the props around the levels. 
The enemy script (as mentioned in the lecturer’s feedback) did not work when I gave the test to them as I did not managed to work on adding the damage feature as well as there were misplacement of coding sentences in the script. Therefore every time when the enemy collides with the player it will instantly KO them. However this problem has already been addressed through a tutorial I tried throughout the holidays last week.

So far the problems that I have addressed from this user testing are:
            - Script are good. No errors so far
·         - The collision of the enemies and player
·         - Enemy movement
·         - Controller mapping – the analog feature


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