Chapter 3.3 : Piskel The Sprite Editor

Hello there! Its been a while since I last posted. So sorry because I have tonnes of assignments to work on lately. I'll be posting back again starting with the sprites procedures. However I am not using Photoshop anymore as I found a free online software that can help me create my sprite assets easier. Here we go!


Introducing Piskel

Piskel is a great free option for creating 2D pixel art and animations for game development. It has all the functions to use for create your own assets of sprite sheets. The features of it is somewhat similar to Photoshop as well, so for those who are already experience in Photoshop, then this software will be easy for you too.

Piskel also allows you to create your own animations using the sprites you just created. Therefore you can test out the animation in it or export out in a GIF format. However I suggest to export the sprite sheet and adjust it in Photoshop to make the sprite sizes consistent in order and export it into games software such as Unity for better quality.

 In my next post I'll show you the features of Piskel as well as my method of producing my assets.


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