Chapter 2.9 : Presentation and Feedbacks

On 3/7/2017, we had a presentation on our ideas with 5 major lecturers. Here are the feedback given by them :

  • Make the game more fun.
  • It is okay to approach local content, but it is risky as well.
  • Use the local elements, and combine it with my own story to create a unique artefact.
  • Approaching education as a focus is risky. Try to focus on entertainment, as that is my goal for this final project.
  • Find a balance between the two.

  • Think deeper - Relate your story/idea with the media, How does the story is told.
  • Think of the outcome of the project, will it be controversial?
  • He suggested a local interactive designer, Fairus Sulaimain, who has done some installations that mixes traditional and technology elements together.

  • Why Projection Mapping? The setting is limited, huge scale.
  • How does Projection Mapping contribute to the story?
  • What's the ultimate goal? Preserving culture? Entertainment?
  • Think of other outcomes.

The plan now is to think and find other methods beside Projection Mapping that touches on game installations. Will update more soon


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